We're just iOS 1. Somewhere out there, there's an iOS 17.

Are we the best possible versions of ourselves?

Dec 15, 2023 • written by M Hadi

Dec 15, 2023

Earlier this year, I was at a program where the speaker brought up a very interesting point. Months later, it's one of my main takeaways from his speeches, and you might appreciate it as much as I did.

"You are not this limited body," he said. "'And we made Man in the best of forms, then we relegated it into the lowest of forms' (Quran, Surah Al-Tin, Verse 4-6). So this me right now, me engaging [with] you, you engaging [with] me, we're meeting the lowest versions of ourselves. This is iOS 1, there's a 17 somewhere else."

I personally found this point quite striking, and it's stuck with me since. When I ponder on my actions, I try to think, what would the iOS 17 version of myself have done?

We're not iOS 17, but there's nothing preventing us from trying to be.