Reflections on productive procrastination.

It's a term I learnt from screenwriter Rodney Rothman. A term that changed how I see work and could change how you see it too.

Nov 7, 2023 • written by M Hadi

Nov 7, 2023

"Productive procrastination" - it's a term I learnt from screenwriter Rodney Rothman. A term that changed how I see work and could change how you see it too.

In an interview with Jeff Goldsmith, Rothman says “my habits are pretty neurotic, I find I do this very productive procrastination these days… I’ll do research, I’ll make notes, I’ll draw weird maps of ideas, like diagram the story in some weird way that only I understand.”

Whenever I feel the need to procrastinate or "be bored", I think of this term. How can I make my boredom be productive?

I grew up not watching movies. I foolishly thought I could be a content creator through watching just YouTube (and Turkish historical drama. A lot of it. We don't talk about that.)

Recently, I've been trying to watch movies to procrastinate productively. I attempt to breakdown the storytelling, find as much behind-the-scenes content as I can, and even analyze the movie to try to find mistakes/inconsistencies.

For others, watching movies could be straight up procrastination. But I try to make it as productive as possible, watching only what I think could help me as a creator.