Reflections on swearing and baby steps (they're related).

Swearing is interesting. A set of words that you're never supposed to use. But everyone uses them anyways. I currently have maybe thirty more imporant things to do than write about this. But maybe someone will find this story interesting. This is a personal reflection on swearing and baby steps. Trust me, they're related.

Oct 14, 2023 • written by M Hadi

Oct 14, 2023

I was considering whether or not to write this. I currently have maybe thirty more imporant things to do. But maybe someone will find this story interesting. Could be you. This is a personal reflection on swearing and baby steps. Trust me, they're related.

Swearing is interesting. A set of words that you're never supposed to use. But everyone uses them anyways. They're bad, but at the same time you're cool for using them. Swear enough and it becomes accepted - nobody questions you. Swear enough and you're not even swearing anymore. You're Englishing. Not a typo lol

Swearing meaning what?

Me: Hey ChatGPT, define swearing for me.

ChatGPT: Swearing refers to the use of offensive, vulgar, or socially taboo language to express strong emotions or opinions. It often includes profanity or explicit words that are considered impolite or inappropriate in most social contexts. Swearing can vary by culture and context, and it's important to use discretion when choosing whether or not to swear in different situations.

Me: why do people swear?

ChatGPT: People swear for various reasons. It can be a way to vent frustration, relieve stress, or express strong emotions like anger or surprise. Swearing can also serve as a form of emphasis, adding intensity to a statement. Some people use swearing for humor or to fit in with a particular group or subculture. However, it's essential to be mindful of the context and audience, as excessive or inappropriate swearing can have social consequences.

Me: Should people swear?

ChatGPT: Whether people should swear depends on the context and their audience. Swearing can be acceptable among friends or in casual settings, where it's understood and accepted. However, in more formal or professional environments, it's generally considered inappropriate and can be offensive. It's essential to use discretion and consider the impact of swearing on others and the situation. Ultimately, it's a matter of social norms and personal judgment.

Me: What about in informal environments?

ChatGPT: In informal environments, swearing can be more acceptable, especially among close friends or in relaxed social settings. However, even in informal situations, it's important to be mindful of the people around you. Some individuals may still find excessive swearing offensive, so it's best to gauge the comfort level of the group and adjust your language accordingly. It's all about striking a balance between expressing yourself and respecting the sensibilities of those you're with.

Seems like swearing isn't even that bad after all, is it?

Is swearing even bad?

From a young age, we're taught to never swear. We're scared into not swearing in all sorts of ways, from stories to punishments. Soon it seems as if swearing is a criminal offense, and that the whole world would punish you for swearing.

I remember the first time I heard a swear word being used out loud and nobody cared. I'd recently moved to Canada, and the only times I had heard swear words were when my friends whispered them amongst each other. I soon learnt the classic words, but knew better than to ever repeat them. It was an event celebrating the birth of a historical figure. A man I knew was giving a spoken word presentation, and casually threw in a swear word. I was shocked. I looked at the audience, thinking they'd be gasping in astonishment. Nope.

I realized swearing is not as bad as it seems. But that doesn't mean that it's good. I have friends who love swearing whenever there's an opportunity. It seems like in high school, a lot of kids go through a phase where they have to swear in every few sentences no matter what. Some people never leave that phase.

Should someone swear?

People choose not to swear for all sorts of reasons. They want to keep a professional attitude. They want to follow religious guidelines. They want to appear as kind and lighthearted, never losing their temper. I used to think there's certain cases where swearing is nessecary. That swearing in general should be avoided, but is fine in certain cases. It's easy to think that swearing while joking with friends, for example, is acceptable. Or that when you're mad, you need to swear to make an impact.

This year I decided to try something. Before school started, I just decided to not swear again. I thought it would be impossible, but I tried doing it anyways. I'd write down every time I swore, trying to lower that number. Slowly, the number got to 0. All it took was the right mindset.

So what?

You don't need to swear. If you want to swear, that's your personal choice. But don't fall into the trap that I did.

Those situations I was describing earlier - they're still somewhat valid. But now, I try avoiding those situations in the first place. If you're really mad, you might need to swear to make a point. But why are you mad in the first place?

Find the root cause. Do you need to be in that situation that forces you to swear? Or are you just tricking yourself into thinking you need to swear?

There's a lot more important things in the world to care about than a few English words you let loose. But more than anything, you can't fix anything without fixing yourself first. And you can't fix yourself all it once. When you start small, you eventually can make a difference.

Baby steps.